Gas Turbine
Operators and

Maximize uptime
and reliably predict remaining useful
life for your aeroderivative turbine

Gastops comprehensive solutions for operators and manufacturers of aeroderivative turbines give the industry’s earliest notice of damage progression, abnormal wear trending, and prognostic information.

Wherever aeroderivative gas turbines are found, including power generation, liquified natural gas pipelines, and manufacturing applications, we help operators keep their equipment healthy and running.


“Gastops provided early warning of failure when vibration, temperature and ECD’s were silent. As a result, we were able to avoid catastrophic failure and had time to plan for orderly replacement. Our cost of repair was low, involving limited damage to 1B Bearing. Gastops can be considered a tool of the trade.”

Power Plant Manager


Online Wear Debris Monitoring System

The MetalSCAN wear debris sensor collects and processes real-time critical component condition data on oil-wetted components to give earliest warning of abnormal wear and predict Remaining Useful Life.

Monitoring Services

The MetalSCAN Remote Web-portal provides users with detailed health indicators for each turbine, a customizable watchlist for the entire fleet and fully customizable warning, alarm, and event notifications.


Fluid, filter and material analysis services, providing leading indicators of machinery wear, fluid condition, and fluid contamination.

Diagnostics and prognostics services that enable predictive maintenance and reduce operating costs

Case Study

GE LM2500 Power Turbine Bearing Failure

Chip detectors and vibration sensors fail to detect an expanding bearing failure resulting in severe turbine damage and loss of service.

MetalSCAN MS4000 Product Overview

Real-time damage detection – anytime, anywhere. MetalSCAN MS4000 series provides condition monitoring in the energy, industrial, and marine industries, detecting bearing and gear damage at the earliest stage of progression and providing insight into the extent of the damage and remaining life of the equipment.

the future of equipment condition intelligence.

Talk to one
of our experts today.